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Start Your Cleanings With The Power Of Pressure Washer

We all know how hard it is to keep our homes clean the dirt and grime never seem to go away. With so much...

Psychological ‘specialness spirals’ can make ordinary items feel like treasures – and may explain...

Years ago, I bought a blouse at Target. That same day, I considered putting it on, but for no particular reason decided not to....

A good job for robots, found – dealing with our embarrassing problems

Many TV shows have a scene where a customer attempts to buy a potentially embarrassing product – a pornographic magazine perhaps or a diarrhoea...

Mens Running Shoes – How to Find the Best Ones

If you're looking for the best mens running shoes, you've come to the right place. The right footwear can make all the difference in...

How clothing giants Gap and Benetton once ruled the fashion high street

In 1969, Don Fisher was having difficulty finding the right size of Levi’s jeans in traditional clothing stores. His solution was quite radical. Together...